MUSTANG RALLY SCHEDULE April 21st – 25th 2010
Wednesday 21st
Sign in at the Classic Motor Inn you will receive your
packet. The remainder of the day you are on your own
Thursday 22nd
A welcome dinner for you from 3:00pm till 6:00pm.
Location will be in your packet.
Friday 23rd
Starting at 10:00am to 3:00pm at the same location as the
welcome dinner will be a show & shine. At 3:00pm the
Police Department will provide an escort for our cruise
from the starting point mentioned in your packet thru
the Branson area and return. After the cruise you may
want to enjoy one of Branson’s great shows. .
Saturday 24th
Starting at a 10:00am to 12:00pm there will be Poker
Run from the same location as the welcome dinner to
several Branson locations noted in your packet. Starting
at 1:00pm there will be live entertainment, BBQ, soft
drinks and Chips available. At approximately 3:00pm
there will be thousands of dollars in prizes from local
merchants, prizes for most cars representing a club,
longest distance driven, 50/50 pot drawing, and the
winner of the poker run.
Sunday 25th
All good things finally come to an end but we will meet
again in 2011 for the 2nd annual Branson Mustang Rally.
Branson has several church services on Sunday morning
of all denominations if you choose to attend.