Thank You for that e-mail. I have seen articles, like the link below will show you about businesses. And that is just who the lawyers in question are "after" if I could use that word.
http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ ... 00302/1003
maybe you can forward it on to Rick? Mustangs Plus is one big one under the gun and in the above article it states " Since 2000, the firm has sent "hundreds" of similar letters to businesses perceived to have trampled on Ford trademarks, Phillips said."
Clubs are non-profit organizations that Ford and Ford's franchises support. That's why I don't worry.
Another quote from that article.."In the 1990's, Ford sent guidelines to selected restoration parts manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, including Mustangs Plus, authorizing the use of trademarked names as long the business name was accompanied by a qualifying word or phrase such as "vintage" or "classic."
MCA, or any club that I know of has never received anything!