Parade starts at 6:00 PM.
We need to be in the parade staging area before 5:00pm.
Since the Bel Air Parade has reversed its route this year, we have choosen a new Rally Point. We will meet at the back section of the parking lot of Dick's Sports, Rt. 24, Bel Air at 4:15pm and leave by 4:45pm for the parade staging area.
The parade theme for 2015: "AN OLDE-FASHIONED FOURTH OF JULY"
"Cars must be decorated."
Website: the crowd will ask you to "light'em up"
no tire squealing or burn outs are allowed. We are allowed to rev our engine and make plenty of exhaust noise.
The parade is very scenic and not very long. You will be done this parade in plenty of time to get dinner and go see the fireworks.We will leave the Rally Point by 4:45 and drive together to the staging area on SCHOOL RDS. You will have a chance to decorate your car while in staging. We will done with plenty of time to left to get dinner and then get out to see the fireworks.