I believe that everyone who attended Bacon Fest will agree that this was blast!
Between the creative bacon dishes and the wide assortment of food, drink and desserts nobody had any excuse for going away hungry! Special thanks to Ann and Robert Thompson for the use of their home and swimming pool for this event. We had a great turnout and everyone had a wonderful time. Most people stayed the entire afternoon and into the evening.
There were plenty of fun and games including a world class Jenga contest to decide the overall winner of the best entrée for Bacon Fest. The contest between Mike Lecuyer and Michelle Hare had everyone's attention. The drama and suspense as these two contestants continued to make dramatic moves without upsetting the wooden blocks. The expressions on Michelle's daughter really tell how much everyone was into this contest. Eventually Michelle prevailed but the crowd gave both contestants a well deserved round of applause.
Bob introduced our new Cammo Shirts, featured in Better Homes and Shotguns, and actually sold most of the shirts he ordered! We had a rare nature event as a huge spider and a wasp were entangled in a life and death struggle. This event was photographed even as we were pulling up information on the type of spider we had found.
The kids and later the adults spent quality time in the pool but most people just preferred to sit under the canopies out of the direct sun and enjoy each others company. Susan Kane brought two dishes, a lasagna with bacon dish and a special cake with icing made to look like bacon.
I took a lot of candid photos and as they say. a photo is worth a thousand words so I guess 150 or so photos will speak volumes for this great event. We were joined by members of the Northern Virginia Mustang Club who have supported us and in turn we have supported them in various cruises and programs.
I'm sure that a few of these photos will make it to Facebook and Twitter.
For those who couldn't make this party try to do so next year as this looks like it will continue to grow in the future. I'll be doing several posts on these photos to try to explain what is going on.
Midnight Blue
MCOM Treasurer-Historian
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