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 Post subject: Roller Rocker Installation Help
PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:02 pm 
In the midst of finishing off some engine work and am adding Pedestal mount roller rockers. (Crane 1.7, "Cobra") I have read literally 5-6 different methods of bolting them on.

Some say you need to turn the engine over for each cylinder you do, some say just bolt on and torque, etc, etc.

This is a Hyd. Roller block.

Any help would be very appreciated.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:21 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:23 pm
Posts: 308
Location: Edgewood, MD
OK, even with HLAs (Hydraulic Lash Adjusters or Lifters), you need to set preload reasonably accurately. In order to set preload, the cylinder being worked on needs to be at TDC, so both lobes are on the base circle. When tightening the rocker, it should contact both the valve and pushrod with about 1/2 to 3/4 turn left before the bolt bottoms out. That will give you about 0.030" preload on the lifter. If it takes more than 3/4 turn before bottoming out, you'll need to shim up the rocker pedestal. You can get shims from an FRP dealer or speedshop.

Jim DeAngelis


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:12 pm 
Thanks for the info. I stumbled upon this info below and it worked out great. Figured I would share with all.

1) Install all 16, and snug down the nuts by hand.

2) Rotate the engine until the balancer reads TDC on the compression stroke.

3) Check the rotor in the distributor, and verify that it is pointing at the #1 wire on the cap. If it's not, rotate the engine 360 degrees.

4) To find the point of zero lash, spin the pushrod between your thumb and forefinger while slowly tightening the nut with a 1/4" drive ratchet. Tighten the following rockers until you feel the first bit of drag on the spinning pushrod:
Cylinder #1 intake and exhaust,
Cylinder #3 exhaust,
Cylinder #4 intake,
Cylinder #7 exhaust,
Cylinder #8 intake.

5) Now tighten each of those to 20ft lb of torque.

6) Rotate the engine 360 degrees, so the balancer reads TDC again.

7) With a 1/4" ratchet, tighten these rockers (again, to zero lash):
Cylinder #3 intake,
Cylinder #2 exhaust,
Cylinder #7 intake,
Cylinder #6 exhaust.

8) Now tighten each of those to 20ft lb of torque.

9) Rotate the engine 90 degrees, and with the ratchet, tighten to zero lash on these rockers:
Cylinder #2 intake
Cylinder #4 exhaust
Cylinder #5 intake and exhaust
Cylinder #6 intake
Cylinder #8 exhaust

10) Now tighten each of those to 20ft lb of torque.

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