Mustang Club of Maryland

Block party
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Author:  TOFAS4U [ Wed May 14, 2014 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Block party

Are other any last minute takers to bring your cars to the block party which is scheduled for May 17 from 1-5 pm. I am the coordinator for it and was planning to have my car out there as well. There is no rain date so if the weather is unfavorable we will more than likely cancel. If I get an idea of how many cars are going to show so I can have an area blocked off. It will be by Rogers tavern in Perryville in the open field area. You can also reach me at 443-206-5071.

Author:  DRRummel [ Thu May 15, 2014 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Block party

I have to work Saturday. But it sounds like fun. Good Luck.

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