Mustang Club of Maryland

Club Mentor
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Author:  Dansgt [ Tue May 08, 2012 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Club Mentor

Deb and i asked Heather (aka Black Betty) if she would like us to be her mentor and she sid ok. i know MCOM never really mentors but we will make her welcome to the MCOM in anyway we can. we hope other longer MCOM membes step up and help new members do the same. Welcome to the MCOM Heather.

Author:  Bobt [ Wed May 09, 2012 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Mentor

Yeah! Welcome Heather! Great job dan! :btu:

Author:  Dansgt [ Thu May 10, 2012 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Mentor

Np Bob Since we were in the club for a long time lol. we try being a mentor. i know the MCOM never had mentors before tought it would be a great way to welcome new members. Heathers Mustangs looks really great and Heather seems like a real Mustang lady. anyone who sees Mustangs in a parade and wants to join deserves to be a real Mustanger. really nice job on your car Heather. in between rain drops lol. real nice pics on facebook. Welcome to the MCOM. btw nice tags too. that was quick. i think that was the quickest someone ever got tags. lol

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