Mustang Club of Maryland

So Long Midnight Blue
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Author:  Red Baron [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  So Long Midnight Blue

For the past five and half years I have owned and enjoyed my 2002 V6 Mustang that I named Midnight Blue. I bought this car shortly after having my Thyroid Gland removed in April 2008. This was a scary time for me as I had a number of medical issues that eventually were caused by an enlarged Thyroid Gland. I spent 3 days in the hospital with tubes in my neck wondering if I would be able to talk again as the doctors had to reposition my vocal cords to remove the Thyroid Gland.

After this experience I told my wife that I wanted to do some things that I had been putting off for years like owning another Mustang. Since we had recently purchased a new 2008 Mercury Mariner I was limited to a late model used car and one that could fit into a modest budget. After searching for a month I found this 2002 Mustang sitting on a used car dealers lot. It had a lot of potential and would require some investment but I believed that this was doable and bought the car. Shortly after that I joined the Mustang Club of Maryland and have been very active ever since.

This forum is a living history of the work and upgrades that I have made to this car including, a new factory OEM Clear Coat paint job along with bodywork done by MAACO in Catonsville, MD. I have added wheels, tires, custom neoprene seat covers, new headlights, new white faced gauges, and many other interior and exterior upgrades. I have also upgraded a lot of the mechanical parts of the car and used the car as a canvas to showcase my detailing skills.

So it is with a heavy heart that I have to say goodbye to an old friend. I sold Midnight Blue to a young college student who appreciates this special car and hopefully will provide her with a lot of attention.

Had it not been for this car I never would have found the Mustang Club of Maryland and met so many new friends. Midnight Blue also inspired me to stay active with this club and to search out a S197 Mustang as her replacement. That I did with the purchase of my 2006 Colorado Red Premium Mustang GT. This baby is loaded with leather seats, a 6 CD changer and many other options.

I had the opportunity to take out Midnight Blue for one last cruise with the club as we cruised to Gettysburg to tour the battle grounds.

I have a lot of photos of Midnight Blue both on this MCOM Forum and at home which I intend to keep as a reminder of my love for this car. She may have been just a base Mustang but to me she was my link to return to my youth again.

Midnight Blue
MCOM Treasurer-Historian

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Author:  Great White [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So Long Midnight Blue

Very touching story Steve. You will create lots of new memories with this new one. Enjoy

Author:  Red Baron [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So Long Midnight Blue

Its funny how some cars touch our lives more than others James. Over the years I have bought and sold more than a dozen cars. I remember them all but few had any long lasting emotional attachments for me. Midnight Blue allowed me to meet people I never would have met, become a participant at car shows rather than a spectator and provide me with a chance to do something in my retirement years.

My new car, which I am calling the Red Baron, will continue to offer me these same opportunities and also fulfill a lifelong dream to own a Mustang GT. You can bet that this car will probably be the most photographed car I have ever owned and that is saying something for all of the pictures I have taken with Midnight Blue! :btu:

I just couldn't let Midnight Blue go without telling everyone just how much she meant to me.

Red Baron
MCOM Treasurer-Historian

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