I got 8 of these and gapped them at .035, which is what I kept finding everywhere on the 68 302cid Ford motor. JIC, I kept the old plugs and labeled them so that I can take a look at what is going on in each cylinder for further diagnosis.
'Evelyn' has a Mallory Unilite 4755101 distributor w/ vaccum advance.
Not too sure if I HAVE to get a Mallory replacement cap and rotor... but I can get them if needed. This will probably be my next step along with the fuel filter replacement/install.
I lit up the garage last night and followed the gas line from carb to fuel pump and then from pump to partway under the car and still couldn't find a filter anywhere!!
Tonight I'll put her up on jacks and follow the line the rest of the way back to the tank. If I were to put a filter on, it should go before the fuel pump... or between the pump and the carb... or install two and have one in both places?
Bad fuel + no filter seems like a plausible combo for what problems I'm having now. Don't remember off hand how much gas was left in the tank, but after all the running around I did on the 4th of July weekend there can't be more than 1/4 of a tank left. So it shouldn't take much to finish off the tank and fill'er back up with new gas.
I remember on my 86 4 banger I was having problems with the engine loosing all its power on right hand turns. Would drive fine straight and turning left, but right turns it would just about stall out. Turns out the fuel filter needed to be replaced. This isn't nearly as extreme, but it does have a similar feel to it.
Oh yea, I also cleaned out the K&N air filter, it was filthy!
Sounds like I am making another trip to Advanced tonight for some more parts! Cap and rotor, at least one fuel filter, replacement rubber fuel lines with a couple new clamps. Going to return the plug wires I got, the one wire that goes from the dist cap to the coil doesn't fit correctly and keeps popping off.