Lets see if I can keep this short.
Drivers side brake caliper lost one of the two bolts on the 'inside' that holds the caliper in place on my way to work the other day. (MRSs' car was in the shop, she inturn drove my PT and I drove Evelyn).
When the bolt dropped (I heard it .. 'plink..pli..plin..plink...plunk' as I was driving down 29 to work) only about a mile from work so drove slowly and limped her into the parking lot. Because it was the bottom of the two bolts I was 'ok' going forward and stopping... the rotation of the rotor would 'pull' the caliper onto the rotor. All was fine until I tried to backup into my parking spot. The caliper bottom pivoted on the top bolt and swung out ... grabbed ahold of my rim (putting a decent notch into it) and locked up the wheel. I stopped, pulled forward into the spot infront of me and left her there.
Found two grade 8 bolts to replace the missing one and the one that was still holding on (didn't trust it since it too was loose and didn't know if the threads were messed up) and limped her home that afternoon.
In the process of backing up and getting it stuck into my rim it curled up the brake pad cover and sheered off the bottom bolt that held it into place.
Now that Evelyn is back home .. I need to drill out the sheered bolt out of the caliper and put a new one back in its place. I've never done this before, so I need some instruction here.
I figure I need a Tap & Die set to re-thread it, but isn't there special drill bits that are used when drilling out stuff like this? After I have the tools to do this, is there any special hints or tricks that I should know about?