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Mustang Club of Maryland :: View topic - NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014 RAIN or SHINE
Mustang Club of Maryland

NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014 RAIN or SHINE
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Author:  Great White [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014 RAIN or SHINE

The NVMC would once again like to invite you to The 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise to Stoney's Kingfisher in Solomon's Island MD. The cruise is scheduled for Sunday June 22nd and has grown in popularity as one of the favorite cruises of the year.

If you haven't been on this cruise before, you don't want to miss it. Great cruise route, that Marc Marriott (NVMC Vice President) and I have perfected over the years. The Crabcakes are some of the best you will ever have.

Here is the menu, everthing I've had there was excellent, and there is something on the menu for everyone. http://www.stoneysseafoodhouse.com/pdf/ ... 3_Main.pdf

I always get the Petite Crab Cake and much like me, there is nothing petite about it! :thumbsup2:

at the

We should arrive in Solomon's island after the scenic cruise, aprox 12:15-12:30 pm

We reserve the entire top floor of the restaurant for the group, and Stoney's service has been nothing short of amazing over the years.

Please post in this thread if you plan on attending, and how many in your car. so we can give them a head count in advance of the cruise. Example (BobT +3 = 4)

1. James Heller (NVMC, MCOM, Patriots) (1)
2. Di & Bruce Wheeler +1 (MCOM) (3)
3. Marc & Stefanie Marriott (NVMC) (2)
4. Bill & Barb Rabe (NVMC) (2)
5. Bil & Star (NVMC) (2)
6. BobT (MCOM President) (1)
7. Dirk +1 (MCOM/Patriots) (2)
8. Lauren, Rich, & Kyrsten Airing (MCOM) (3)
9. Denise B. +1 (MCOM) (2)
10. Ceece & Amy Coburn (NVMC President) (2)
11. Chris Cervenka +1 (Patriots) (2)
12. Jon Walker +2 (NVMC) (3)
13. Big Mike (Patriots) (1)
14. Rob J +1 (NVMC) (2)
15. John White +1 (Patriots) (2)
16. Bobby Goddard (Patriots) (1)
17. Damien Word (Patriots) (1)
18. Chris & Ceci Sigmond (NVMC) (2) or (5)
19. Anthony Sucher +1 (NVMC) (2)
20. Nate +1 (MCOM) (2)
21. Mo Kelley +1 (NVMC) (2)
22. Thom & Becca Barden +2 (NVMC) (4)
23. Laura Rinier (Patriots) (1)
24. Marvin & Carol (MCOM) (2)
25. Teresa & Scott (NVMC) (2)
26. Steve & Janice Henn (Patriots) (2)
27. Edgalici +1 (MCOM) (2)
28. Mike Lacuyer (MCOM) (1)
29. Bethel Nicholas (Patriots) (1)
30. Ann & Robert Thompson Sr. +1 (MCOM) (3)
31. Karla & Mikey (MCOM) (2)
32. Linda Queen +1 (MCOM) (2)
33. Scott Osborne (MCOM) (1)
34. Don H +1 (MCOM) (2)
35. Iris & Errol (MCOM) (2)
36. Omar & Melissa (MCOM) (2)
37. California 5.0 (sorry don't know your name) (MCOM) (2)
38. Kris + 3 (MCOM) (4)
39. RRMC 21 people (Rolling Renegade Mustang Club) (21)
40. Bryan Bowling +3 (NVMC) (4)
41. Jamie & Melissa Cleary (MCOM) (2)
42. Caitlin +3 (MCOM) (4)
43. Paul McAndrew (MCOM) (1)
44. Sharon +1 (MCOM) (2)
And so on

Author:  BruceWGT [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  Bobt [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

You know I'll be there!

Author:  04_GT [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

We are in James
Lauren & Rich +1

Author:  Bella-mare [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Count me in James
Denise B. +1 (2)

Author:  Great White [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

28 people attending so far! not bad on a cruise that was just announced yesterday!

:grinking: should let those who have never been before that this is not to be missed!

Author:  Great White [ Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  Shadow [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

As with anything planed in advance, Heidi and I are maybe's. However I would like to clarify the date. The minutes have this as May 10th and this post says June. Which date is correct?

Author:  6-71 [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  Great White [ Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  Great White [ Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Bob says "Lets show these Virginians, how we do" :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

I say looking a little lean from MCOM so far. :confused2:

The reason for this thread is to state if you plan on attending this cruise'/lunch at Stoney's. We need to know in advance how many people will be there so we can inform the restaurant of how many of us to expect. This effects the restaurant staffing needs to accommodate the group, and make sure everyone is served quickly.

If you plan on attending please post in the thread so I can add you to the list.

Thanks in advance,


Author:  Natekiepert [ Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Me +1

Author:  Marvin [ Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

wife an i will be there sounds like a fun cruise :clinkmugs:

Author:  6-71 [ Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Looks good either from MCOM/Patriots and NVMC.

Author:  Great White [ Thu May 01, 2014 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  6-71 [ Fri May 02, 2014 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  Edgalici [ Fri May 02, 2014 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Me+ 1 Edgalici MCOM :3gears:
I need to add 1 more adult to my list
Me +2 Edgalici MCOM (3)

Author:  GR8GT [ Sun May 04, 2014 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Put me down for 1 (NVMC)

Author:  Great White [ Tue May 06, 2014 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Author:  VirgoLady2828 [ Thu May 08, 2014 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NVMC 5th Annual Crab Cake Cruise June 22, 2014

Put me down for two had so much fun last year

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