I'm open to and seeking any and all suggestions and feedback for the 2011 OC Show. So let's hear what you think.
Here's my thoughts for this year (nothing is anywhere near set in stone yet):
1. We will charge $15 for non-members & $10 for MCOM members to park in the Dead Freddies parking lot. Street parking, & hopefully we'll have some new public parking down 64th street, will be open & free to show participants.
2. Same awards format as last year. Participant vote for Top 4 or 5 for each category, 64-78, 79-93, 94-04, 05+. Plus a couple judged awards including President's award.
3. Radio station broadcasting from show. Probably 'The Wave', but possibly another bigger station would like to participate. We'll have better coordination this year for broadcasting the stations' music.
4. Hopefully Lou doesn't mind bringing his DJ gear again and we can use that to broadcast music & announcements. Thanks again Lou!
5. Still considering a 2nd-ary twin OC Show, but would need a willing host with lots of parking. I have not found anything as of yet, so not looking good.
6. Maybe throw a twist into the Friday cruise & leave OC to cruise the scenic other side of the bay. Hope to have some police presence to help get the cars out of the Dead Freddies parking lot in an orderly fashion.
7. Show T-shirts for sale would be nice, but need to find a practical way where me or the club are not shelling out large $$$'s up front to make the shirts. Still looking for ideas on this problem.
That's about all I have for now. More to come. In the meantime, please put up your ideas and suggestions and feel free to openly discuss. Remeber to keep track of any official news on the show website,