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Mustang Club of Maryland :: View topic - Christmas Gift Arrives
Mustang Club of Maryland

Christmas Gift Arrives
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Author:  BruceWGT [ Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Christmas Gift Arrives

One of my Christmas gifts arrived today. The sequential taillight system for the Ghost. Actually one my gifts from mom was a check to pay for the lights she knew I wanted. Based on an earlier conversation with Bob T on his experience with installing different sequential systems, I ordered the system from Webelectrics. In addition, I like the lifetime warranty on the system. I havent had a chance to install the harnesses yet because of the snowstorm but they look like quality parts. Thanks Mom!

harness.jpg [ 311.38 KiB | Viewed 3320 times ]

The sequential taillight system was the first mod I wanted to purchase for the Ghost but it didnt work that way. Carpeted floor mats from AM was the first purchase because they were necessary. Then during their December sale, I ordered a hood strut kit from AM for about $35 off the regular price with the sale and the MCOM discount. I had to wait until a warm day last week to install the struts but was able to easily install the struts by myself using the prop rod for support. I like how they look and work.

These have been all appearance modes but now i want to save up money for more performance oriented mods, maybe something like a CAI and tuner. A little at a time.

Author:  Great White [ Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Gift Arrives

good stuff! always nice when the Santa Claus dressed in Brown leaves presents behind

Author:  Bobt [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Gift Arrives

Thats awesome Bruce! I really like the kit you got since it uses a phone cord to complete the connection so when you hit your brakes they won`t sequence. That also makes all 6 lights light up as brake lights! Much brighter. Good kit! :thumbsup2:

Author:  BruceWGT [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Gift Arrives

James, That is true. and opening them is like being a kid again lol. :hobbyhorse:
Hope the hand is still healing good.

BobT Thank you for the advice and information on your experience with different kits :btu: . I always try to buy from AM if I can (I prefer to stay loyal to one supplier if possible) but based on your experience I went with this kit. I am very pleased with the apparent quality of the Webelectric kit. I also like the non-sequencing brake lights but mainly because it gives a more factory look like the 010 and newer models when the brakes are applied.

Now waiting for a decently warm day so I can install the kit. :thumbsup2:

Author:  04_GT [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Gift Arrives

Bruce we took advantage of the hood struts from American Muscle too!! Could not pass up the deal they were offering. After watching a hood prop fail and almost go through the hood of someones car I knew we had to get them.

Author:  BruceWGT [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Gift Arrives

Good to go Lauren. Ive seen them slip out at the base and the hood slamming down hard enough to damage something. In the future I might take the brackets back off and paint them the body color before reinstalling for a factory look.

Author:  BruceWGT [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  What do you do when it is 31 degrees and 6" snow on the grou

If you are me, you clean the snow off the GT and install the sequential taillight harnesses. It really didnt feel that cold and I couldnt wait any longer so they are installed and look fantastic! Took me about 15 minutes. I didnt even take the woofer box for the Shaker 1000 system out of the trunk as I heard you had to; just had to have good finger dexterity so as not to drop the outermost bolt for the right side taillight while threading it off and on. It was a good day.

installing sequential tailights.jpg
installing sequential tailights.jpg [ 226.9 KiB | Viewed 3283 times ]

Author:  DRRummel [ Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Gift Arrives

Look at the snow! You really were like a kid with Christmas gifts. You just had to go out and play with them. I am glad you like your taillight kit.

Did you take pictures on the installation steps? If so, maybe you could do a write up on the installation for the newsletter...

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